The kind of smart, sophisticated, educated Russian women who look for Western husbands today do it because they believe that men from Western countries are better for them.
Like all women, those from Russia want to be treated like equals. They want their husband to do his share of the housework and taking care of the kids, be responsible with money, avoid heavy drinking, and hear them out when they have something to say.
Which is not to say that some women from Russia aren't traditional. Many seek to raise families and may prefer to be homemakers. In Russia, a doctor earns one hundred dollars a month, which is the price of an internet connection in St. Petersburg. A female Russian doctor would be forced to hold down some kind of a job along with her husband, throughout her pregnancy and child-rearing years, just to make ends meet. But Western incomes are high enough relative to cost of living that she could choose whether or not to work, provided that she lived in the West and had a Western spouse.
Russian women may believe that Western men are all urbane and sophisticated professionals. Few women in Russia can afford to travel to the West, so the only Western men they meet are those who travel to Russia. Such men tend to have decent amounts of money or good incomes, and to be well-versed in proper behaviour. In Russia, a woman can register in person at a dating service that has an online presence in the West and can help her meet the Western man of her dreams.
People are the same the world over, and women from Russia are no different. They want to be loved, they want to be comfortable in their relationship, and they want to have both emotional and financial security. Such things may be more available in the West. In Russian culture, the age at which a woman marries can be incompatible with finishing college first, while Western men are accustomed to women getting married after they graduate.
It is well-known that one of the best ways to reduce the years of time spent on an immigration waiting list is to marry someone from the country you're moving to, yet this need not mean a marriage of convenience that ends as soon as residency papers are obtained. Today, Russian women looking for marriage abroad are seeking long-term relationships in which they can raise children in a stable environment.
Every person has their own personal tastes, and Russian women are no different. Some just have a taste for Western men, and this leads them to seek Western husbands.
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